Not much going on today, it being Christmas and all.
To pass the time I was entering "why does" and "why is" questions into Google. Try it and see what people are asking!
Unelected former Commie Brit Prime Minister Gordon Brown...
President Obama is NOT a true Socialist because he still supports the rich. A TRUE leftist would never have bailed out Corporate America. He is a tool of the rich.
- Supports banning "ordinary people" owning guns While being protected by a group of armed men at taxpayers' expense - Supports higher taxes on "ordinary people" While their own money is stashed in offshore accounts - Supports restrictions on car ownership and use While being driven around in a convoy of limos at taxpayers' expense - Worries about "global warming" And jets off to Bali to worry some more, at taxpayers' expense - Talks a whole lot about democracy But very reluctant to hold an election which isn't fixed - Wants socialized government-run healthcare for you and me While their own family is treated at the best Swiss clinics - Wants government schools for everyone and an end to private education Except for their own children
A message from this blogger to our political leaders
President Obama is NOT a true Socialist because he still supports the rich. A TRUE leftist would never have bailed out Corporate America. He is a tool of the rich.
Oh yea, belated Merry Christmas.
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