So I admit to being an admirer of the Russian president Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and of Russia in general. That's not in the same sense of, say, the way a large number of British and European politicians like Russia, in that they would have eagerly signed up to the
Warsaw pact given half a chance. But I admire Putin for his strong leadership and the Russian people for their determination in the face of adversity, and for giving the Germans a good kicking in World War II.
First you have to admire the man's ability to remain on the top of Kremlin politics. Can you imagine a grinning weasel like Tony Blair lasting a week as Russian president?

He would have fallen victim to some misfortune quicker than you could say 'slimy turd'.
Here's Putin visiting the new multi-million dollar HQ of Russian Military Intelligence, the
GRU and brushing up his skills with a pistol.

Can you imagine Blair brandishing a Makarov? No, while denying the same ability to law-abiding British citizens, he leaves that sort of dirty work to his publically funded team of heavily armed bodyguards. At the first sign of trouble Blair would either be quivering under the table or in the arms of his minder, while Vlad would have either despatched the miscreant with a single Haraigoshi

or failing that blown his head off with his trusty Makarov.
Seriously folks, how could you not like a world leader who could tell George Bush "we don't want the same sort of democracy in Russia that they have in Iraq!"